

  THE WELFARE STATE IS OVER The dominant classes in Argentina have reached the conclusion that the welfare state, established in Argentina after the Second World War, is unsustainable under current conditions and must be eliminated. There are hundreds of analysts who have written and continue to write about Milei’s government and its policies. Many evaluate his measures with satisfaction, while many others express their rejection, in varying degrees of intensity. However, among those I have read, only a few provide a global analysis of the situation and the significance of the emergence of a government currently embodied by Milei. In this work, we will attempt to argue that Milei is the superstructural expression of a very deep phenomenon that has been developing for 40 years. The dominant classes in Argentina have concluded that the welfare state, initiated after the Second World War, is unsustainable for them under the current conditions and must be dismantled. THE WELFARE STATE ...


  EL ESTADO DE BIENESTAR, SE ACABÓ El conjunto de las clases dominantes argentinas llegó a la conclusión que el estado de       bienestar iniciado en la Argentina después de la 2° gran guerra mundial, es insostenible, para ellos en los términos actuales y hay que suprimirlo.   Sobre el gobierno de Milei, hay cientos de analistas que han escrito y siguen escribiendo sobre sus políticas. Muchos evalúan sus medidas y expresan su satisfacción y otros muchos, su rechazo en términos más o menos enérgicos.  Sin embargo, de los que he podido leer, son contados los que hacen un análisis global de la situación y que significa el surgimiento de un gobierno, hoy personalizado en Milei. En este trabajo intentaremos postular que Milei es la expresión superestructural de un fenómeno muy profundo, que se venía incubando desde hace 40 años. El conjunto de las clases dominantes argentinas llegó a la conclusión que el estado de bienestar iniciado en la Argentin...


  MILEI'S GOVERNMENT IS VERY FRAGILE Although public opinion widely considers Milei's government to be very solid and, consequently, potentially successful and long-lasting, this paper argues that, despite appearances, it is actually quite fragile. When agitation from affected sectors of the population, who are numerous, becomes active, the government may find itself unable to respond. The possibility of the regime's collapse or at least its decomposition is not entirely remote. The recent passage of the foundational law does not resolve its underlying structural weaknesses. ORIGIN AND SOCIAL BASE Will the massive bloc that voted for Milei and seems to still support him maintain stability? There is a widespread consensus that Milei represents the frustration of large segments of the population against traditional parties that have been eroding their quality of life for decades. Many saw in Milei a clear expression of discontent and anger against the prevailing way of life. ...


  EL DE MILEI, ES UN GOBIERNO MUY FRAGIL   Si bien casi toda la opinión pública considera que el gobierno de Milei es muy sólido y, en consecuencia, puede ser exitoso y duradero, en este trabajo voy a postular la idea que, si bien lo parece, en el fondo, es particularmente frágil y cuando se active la agitación de los sectores de población afectada, que son muchos, no tendrá respuesta que darle y la posibilidad de la caída o por lo menos, descomposición del régimen es una posibilidad no tan remota. La reciente aprobación de la ley de bases, no resuelve, en absoluto, su debilidad estructural .   ORIGEN Y BASE SOCIAL     ¿Ese bloque masivo que lo votó y que pareciera ser que hoy lo sigue apoyando, tendrá estabilidad?   Hay un consenso generalizado que Milei es la expresión del hartazgo de grandes masas de población contra los partidos tradicionales que han venido reduciendo sus condiciones de vida desde hace ya décadas. Vieron en Milei alguien...


  AGAIN REVIEWING PENSIONS? People age, it's inevitable, and increasingly they also go through periods without work. What will happen to them? Is anyone taking them into account? Could it be that the State considers them disposable?   Once again, the Congress, for the umpteenth time, decided to modify Peru's pension systems. Let's remember that the various previous attempts, which were not few, did not achieve any significant change. Let's try to analyze the causes: In a previous article, I explained that: "The Peruvian pension system has several problems, but the central ones, which clearly place it at the bottom of Latin America, are three: a) Only very few people access retirement (low coverage) b) The few who retire receive, on average, very low incomes that are insufficient for a dignified life (insufficient remuneration) c) They are not self-financing. They require transfers from the State, which, in turn, has insufficient income. (Low sustainability) Out of ...