AGAIN REVIEWING PENSIONS? People age, it's inevitable, and increasingly they also go through periods without work. What will happen to them? Is anyone taking them into account? Could it be that the State considers them disposable? Once again, the Congress, for the umpteenth time, decided to modify Peru's pension systems. Let's remember that the various previous attempts, which were not few, did not achieve any significant change. Let's try to analyze the causes: In a previous article, I explained that: "The Peruvian pension system has several problems, but the central ones, which clearly place it at the bottom of Latin America, are three: a) Only very few people access retirement (low coverage) b) The few who retire receive, on average, very low incomes that are insufficient for a dignified life (insufficient remuneration) c) They are not self-financing. They require transfers from the State, which, in turn, has insufficient income. (Low sustainability) Out of ...